featuring Jay Koka fine art reproductions

About Us

"Although I'm a lifelong motorhead, my interest in automotive fine art is in the context in which the automobile exists rather than the depiction of the automobile itself. The interplay of the vehicle and its environment and its human operators is to me the most worthwhile pursuit of fine art..."

The Studio was founded in 1986.

Well known and internationally respected, Koka offers a unique fusion of realist and impressionist styles... hallmarks of the artist who is never satisfied with the status quo. Much in demand for his poster work, Koka has been poster and featured artist for many international events... some highlights include the Meadow Brook Concours, Pebble Beach poster artist for 2006 and 2012, for the Ferrari Club of America 10 times to date as well as their 50th Anniversary in 2013, the Barrett-Jackson Auctions, Bloomington Gold Meets, the Louisville Concours, the iconic Daytona 500 and the legendary 24 Hours of Daytona as well as the inaugural St John's Concours for 2011 and the inaugural Cobble Beach Concours of 2013 and Stan Hywet Concours of 2014.


His work has been extensively reproduced and he has also received numerous awards including The Peter Helck Award, 6 Athena's and the Lincoln Award at Pebble Beach, six Awards of Excellence and The Stanley Wanlass Awards twice at Meadow Brook, Best of Show at Stan Hywet and numerous others for his work at major exhibitions.


Jay Koka is a 25-plus year member of the Automotive Fine Arts Society and serves on its Board of Directors and is the publisher of autoArtReview.com - afasJournal.com, an online art magazine. Koka's studio is located near Toronto.


ARCHIVE WEBSITE (www.k20.ca)

The Studio maintains an extensive ARCHIVE WEBSITE that features original paintings and published works stretching back to the launch of the Studio in 1986. An invaluable resource for dating works and editions.