Title: "Bored"
by Jay Koka, © 2010
54”w x 44”, (135x110cm) acrylic on canvas
artist collection
Please contact the studio for pricing.

Jay Koka: "I got the idea for "Bored" while walking around the pit area of the track during the Cavallino Ferrari Classic event in West Palm Beach Florida in 2009.

My wife Cathy has been to enough car shows and races to last at least two lifetimes and I often get the sense she would rather be somewhere else... just about anywhere else that does not involve cars.

Although Cathy is a stand-in for a lot of my paintings, the girl in this painting is not her, she just represents the idea... a person completely unimpressed and unmoved while surrounded by some pretty impressive wheels.

The painting was a long time coming...more than a year just to get it started and then about ten months of off-and-on work. Oddly, I completed the painting in the middle of my move to a different painting style that came fully to fruition a year later in 2011 and it really sticks out in the new group of paintings... a different color palette and brushwork. But I do like it and in the end, I think the effort was worthwhile."

A very large 54x44" major new work from Jay Koka that premiered at AFAS Art Exhibition at Pebble Beach in 2010.

This major work was also selected as the 2010 Gallery Work in the 30th anniversary book "30:30" in which significant works were selected to represent each of the first 30 year.