"Friday Night on Ocean - Later"
Title: "Friday Night on Ocean - Later"
by Jay Koka, © 2017
60”w x 36”, (150x90cm) acrylic on canvas, Artist Collection
Please contact the studio for pricing.
Jay Koka: "Friday Night on Ocean - Later" is some minutes after "Friday Night on Ocean" on the same Carmel, California, Ocean Avenue corner. The first group has burned away and along comes a really nice Lamborghini Aventadore to take the space of the 918. I continue to be fascinated by the early evening light on this street.
One reason is that there are no street lights so all of the street illumination comes from the light spilling out of the stores and from the cars themselves. The result is a warmth that I think was what caught my eye with the Aventadore. The car's chrome yellow has been warmed and softened by the mainly yellow light from the store. By the way, that's a '66 Corvette convertible about to make the turn. I actually saw it a little further down the street but I put it into the painting mainly because I liked the red light cast by its brake lights."