On The Nile
Title: "On The Nile"
by Jay Koka, © 2021
44”w x 34”, acrylic on canvas,
Artist Collection

No armchair traveler, Jay Koka has actually been to the worldwide locations featured in his paintings. The COVID19 outbreak of 2020 created opportunities to create fine art work that is not directly related to automobiles. .

The cancellation of all major shows resulted in much welcomed time to explore these themes as well as painting "styles".

A long trip to Egypt that included 6 days on a boat from Aswan to Luxor created an intimate experience of the Nile River. Described as the heart and soul of Egypt, it flows through the country's center with magnificent ancient monuments on each river bank.

The gift of the Nile is its rich soil and each bank is devoted to agriculture... but the desert, especially the edge of the Sahara... is never far from the river's edge and almost always in view.

The painting captures the warmth and languid feel of a relaxing afternoon as you float down the river.